SHOWROOM will be closed from 12th Feb to 17th Feb 2025

Wooden Flooring

Wooden Flooring Sydney

Wooden Flooring Sydney is having a great resurgence all over the world.  People everywhere recognise that Wood Flooring and Wood Flooring types are such a unique expression of nature and as such, a wonderful renewable resource.

While much of the world has been swamped with many plastic imitation products, Wood Flooring Sydney is best displayed in the unique Thrust Floors Showroom at Peakhurst.  The showroom contains over 73 different species of Hardwood Timber Flooring displaying all Wood Flooring types and presenting Wood Flooring throughout their magnificent 2 storey Wood Floor Showcase.

Wooden Flooring Range & Styles

Wooden Flooring Sydney is often the life-long solution to “High Traffic” requirements in both the home and office.  Some of the unique Wood Flooring types which Thrust Floors has developed to resolve many heavy industrial situations is really quite fascinating.

Among these solutions is the 4 foot deep End Grain Wooden Flooring Sydney used when pouring molten  metals to avoid the explosion that takes place when molten metals hit cold concrete.

Wood Flooring Sydney by Thrust Floor is quite a study of all that is possible in Specialised Wood Flooring and Wood Flooring types. 

So if you are looking for custom timber flooring solution for your home then contact us. We have a huge range of Solid Hardwood TimberParquetLaminate HybridEngineered and Bamboo flooring option available.