When it comes to apartments, businesses or two-storey homes, many people opt for Timber Flooring Floating Floors in Sydney. But why are floating timber floors in Sydney such a common (and praised) choice by experts and everyday customers alike? Just take a look below. Our floating timber floorboards have been installed across Sydney, delivering countless benefits to homes of all shapes and sizes.
These floorboards are isolated from the structural platform they are installed on, meaning there is actually an area which absorbs and muffles sound between the boards and the flooring they are laid on. For busy businesses or private homes, this is often a real positive, ensuring privacy with your new floating floorboards in Sydney’s busiest suburbs. Timber Flooring Floating Floors provide this essential feature, enhancing your space’s tranquility.
For customers looking to take their privacy to an even greater level with floating timber floors in Sydney, there is even a range of isolated ratings which your new floorboards can be tested against to ensure your soundproofing is at an optimal level. Timber Flooring Floating Floors can be selected and rated based on your specific needs for sound isolation.
Since your new floating floorboards in your Sydney home are isolated from the structural platform of your building, damage to your original flooring when removing or changing your floor design is kept to an absolute minimum. For many, this means a change in style is simple as the years pass and fashion changes. Contact our showroom today to test Timber Flooring Floating Floors for yourself. This new, iconic product is not to be missed! For more information about why you should have our Timber Flooring Floating Floors installed in your place, Sydney residents and beyond can call us today on 02 9533 9577.