All Bamboo Flooring in Sydney is made in Asia and mostly in China.
Bamboo Flooring has always been touted as being a very “green” flooring product. However, there are many products on the Bamboo Flooring market in today that have many failings.
“Quality” Bamboo Flooring pros and cons can be best understood by a visit to Bamboo Flooring Sydney at the magnificent Thrust Floors 2 story showroom at Peakhurst NSW. We have a huge range of various Timber Flooring options.
The owners of the Thrust Floors Group have specialised in Hardwood Flooring/ Parquet and Parquetry Flooring along with many Border and Medalion options as well as “Quality” Bamboo Flooring.
The expression that “one gets just what one pays for”, has never been truer than what is happening in the Timber Flooring market in Sydney.
Over the past 15 years we have seen the demand for Bamboo Flooring is growing. However, with the increase in demand for Bamboo Floors, many new manufacturers entered the manufacturing process in China. However, the quality of some of these products has in detailed technical reports been described as “unconscionable” for sale in Australia.
The expression “Buyer Beware” certainly applies to Bamboo Flooring, some of which is available at 50% less than a “quality” product. A good technical understanding of what constitutes “quality” Flooring can best be achieved by visiting Thrust Floors Showroom in Boundary Road Peakhurst NSW where all the Bamboo Flooring pros and cons can be discussed in detail. We have a huge range of colours to suit your project.