SHOWROOM will be closed from 12th Feb to 17th Feb 2025

Our Timber Flooring Range

The warmth and natural beauty of our prized Australian and South
Pacific wood can complement any decor whilst adding luxury.

Timber Flooring Experts for over 53 Years

Avoid a dodgy flooring installation by turning to Thrust Floors for all your timber flooring needs! Read our guide to ensure you make a smart investment by choosing a floor that will last as long as your home or your office does.

We understand how important it is to choose the right look for the right room, and as expert floor designers, we have the knowledge to help you achieve this throughout your home or business. Regardless of what your style, budget or other preferences are, our Timber Flooring designers will be able to create a design that is sure to tick all of your boxes.

With a team of flooring experts harbouring knowledge in style and practical solutions, Thrust Floors can ensure your project is everything you’ve envisioned. Whether you are after a conventional hardwood floor, a crafted parquetry, engineered, or a Sprung “Air-Thrust” sports floor we are the team you want to trust for results you’ll love for decades to come.

Why Choose Us?

Our Experience And Passion Meet Your Vision

Client Testimonials

At Thrust Floors we place the highest importance on delivering a superior flooring experience to our customers. Thanks to this commitment we have earned a reputation as one of the leading flooring companies in Sydney. Take some time to see what our happy customers have said about us!

Frequently Asked Questions

Not only is a high-quality timber flooring easier to maintain than most other types of flooring, but it also can be healthier and more durable than most other options.

The best way to extend the life of your flooring is to choose a “Quality” product, in the first place. 

Regrettably, in all industries there are “cowboys”.  One does have to ask questions and demand evidence of the claims which people make.  HOWEVER, at the top end of the market today, we have products that come with a seven (7) coat German Polyacryl coating system, that just delivers unbelievable performance for decades!  If floors are kept free of sand and grit, the Electrostatic Dust Control Mop, that is provided free-of-charge to every THRUST FLOORS Customer, truly makes looking after your new wooden floors, childs play.

There are 101 cleaning products on the market today, which everyone wants you to buy.  HOWEVER, many of these products are largely unnecessary, if one uses good mats to trap sand and grit outside the home rather than trying to collect it from inside.   So many clients comment as to just how easy and effective it is to keep your floors in wonderful shape, by simply using just the electostatic mop, that we give to them for FREE !

Should spills like Coca-Cola or wine occur, then yes, a “DAMP” (well wrung-out) string mop may be used when required, but “free water” should be avoided at all times on all wood floors.

Common sense would dictate, that  you always try to clean up any spills straight away.

Floors that have massive exposure to direct sun-light through the radiant heat of glass, will benfit from the drawing of curtains when the home is unoccupied during the course of a day, by delaying the process of “mellowing” which happens to all timber and furniture constantly exposed to massive U.V. radiation from direct sunlight.

The placement of a selected “Feature Rug” in any particularly “high traffic” area can always be considered wisdom.

You can expect to pay roughly between around $ 90 – $180 per square metre for a “quality” wooden floor in Australia.

However, this depends entirely upon the type of product that one might choose, the timber specie from which it is milled and the patterns, designs and borderworks that might accompany your selection of timber for your flooring.

Spotted Gum, Blackbutt, Tasmanian Oak and Jarrah are among some of the most popular timber flooring in Australia. What’s even better is that you can combine them with your selection, of other magnificent timbers from around the world, to create a truly unique design presentation .

If you’re looking for a durable flooring option, hardwoods species such as Brush Box, Sydney Blue Gum, Turpentine, European French Oak, Maple and American Black Cherry are all among the 73 most durable species, that are on offer at the THRUST FLOORS Showcase at Unit 7/89 Boundary Road Peakhurst in Sydney, or via their website

BUDGET CONSCIOUS. For those who are just starting out in life and are looking to make sound, economic decisions, might very well elect to start their home with the economy of installing a very attractively priced, simple but elegent Cypess Pine wooden floor.  This type of decision, while providing for a very economical and practical floor now, and for todays budget, also provides an excellent platform by way of a quality sub-floor to install other, more up-market wooden floor products over, in the future

As Australia is “blessed” with just so many magnificent Hardwood Timber Species, there is an extraordinary array of beautiful colours and grains from which one might make one’s selection.   Species, such as Spotted Gum, (which is extensively used for bridge construction and the like) contains four different colours in the one specie, making it possibly the ‘prettiest’ specie that we install.  Spotted Gum contains all of the colours of Australia, and is the specie of choice for every Colonial home or if one is building in the country and you want to bring the outdoors in, you cannot do it better than with Spotted Gum.    Hickory, Maple, and European French Oak are also among some of  the most popular woods used in flooring.  They may vary in color, texture and finish, but all these are very hard-wearing and durable species.

Apart from the “hardness” of the timber itself, the extrordinary performance delivered by the range of “High Solid” coating systems supplied and applied by THRUST FLOORS, has created a situation in which many clients get over 30 years of performance out of their floors before they even need to be thinking about resurfacing.   As testimony to this, the THRUIST FLOORS Showcase has this year seen 20 years of commercial traffic without anything having been done to it, while most people think that in looking at it, it looks as though it was only finished yesterday.  The coatings that we use are much harder to apply than what many in the trade might use, but in the end, one gets what one pays for in this life, and these coatings deliver exrtaordinary perrformance and great “economy” !

When it comes to durability, this is a decision facing many. Without a doubt, there is a great amount of timber and wood floor products on the market, both Laminate and Engineered, that are clearly “rubbish”.  Clients must take time to do their own research into whatever they are considering to buy, as there are around 50 – 60 manufacturers whose products do not get in our front door. 


As Chairman of the National Wood Flooring Association of Australia’s Technical Committee, I am asked to investigate and write detailed Technical Reports about the “failure” of many products, that in times gone past, would have never been permitted for sale in Australia.   For this reason, and as THRUST FLOORS will not perform any work, that is not backed by the company’s substantial TEN (10) YEAR Guarantee, there are many products on the market that we choose to not even offer for sale.   Regrettably, not everyone operates with our ethics.


While we have traditionally been a SOLID wood floor manufacturer and installer for over 54 years, during the past 20 years in particular, we have been truly “shocked” at the extraordinary performance of certain of the very High Density and 100% water-proof Laminate products that we source out of Belgium and Switzerland.  Having observed the extraordinary performance of these floors under such extreme working conditions as every Westfield Store, and 20 years of roller-chair work in our own offices, some of these products are almost, “indestructable” !     For those who live with a dozen dogs in the house, or such similar demanding use, my advice is to select, a high quality, 100 % waterproof Laminate.


HOWEVER, on the other side of that coin, when one looks at the performance of some of our “quality” engineered wood floor products, such as at Star City Casino, where in Fortunes Restraunt, we had floors in service there, seeing between 3,500 – 4,500 people, twice a day, seven days a week for eleven and a half years, spilling food and drinks on the floor and still deliverying outstanding performance.  However, this also speaks much about the outstanding performance of the seven (7) coat German Polyacryl finishes with which these products are coated, because you are not waking on the wood, as much as you are walking upon these extraordinary coating systems.


For those who might be familiar with the Kinokuniya Japanese Book Store in Victoria Galleries (diagonally opposite  the Sydney Town Hall)  those floors have this year seen 20 years of very heavy commercial traffic, as they are open for business until 10:00 pm every night of the week. Extraordinary performance you will agree, as these floors have not been touched for over 20 years !


Our Solid hardwood parquet and plank flooring is the choice of many discerning clients.   This is the top drawer choice for many, along with the selection of stains and finishes and unique finishing techniques much of which is a big surprise to many of our clients.   However, the one comment that we make to all of our clients is this “while you live in this home, I do not ever expect you to have to do anything, to these floors“.   If one compares this, with many in the market who fully expect you to take out your furniture, furnishings and move your family into the Hilton for a couple of weeks when in three or fours years time your floors are resurfaced, with our very “high solid” coating systems, a “cheap” up-front price, is no longer considered either “attractive”, nor ,”good economy” ! So, simply stated, if one purchases a “quality” product in any of these catagories, it is possible to get unbelievable performance in wear life.


So, the real differences in the selection process, among quality products, becomes not so much a question of “wearability” as it is a choice of the aesthetics that you will best present in your home.

Well, as noted above, if you’re looking for a floor covering that looks exactly like solid hardwood, but is much quicker to install, has the additional advantage of being capable of being installed as a “High Rise” Acoustical Plank Floor, then your selection of a quality Engineered Flooring System may well be the way to go.  


Both Laminate and Engineered are just as easy to mainatain as they both come completely pre-finished.  Thus, no sanding, no finishing nor chemicals are applied in your home, hence making either of these floors a preferred option for asthmatics and those who suffer with allergies etc.


From a costing point of view, Laminate is generally more economical than Engineered Wood, but at the end of the day, most people make a selection, based primarily upon colour and aesthetic presentation.


For those who are capable of doing the installation themselves, both Laminate and Engineered Wooden Floors come in “LOC-Sytem” click together joining systems that, if you are a handyman and have the ability to install your own floors, these products certainly make your job easy !